The National Court Reporters Foundation has announced the winner of the Stenograph Milton H. Wright Memorial Scholarship, a new scholarship that honors the memory of Milton H. Wright, Stenograph’s founder. Lisa Wurtinger, a student at Anoka Technical College in Anoka, Minn., will receive the merit-based two-year award, which is worth up to $5,000 and will include use of a student writer and software. Candidates were required to have completed an NCRA A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program.
“I am incredibly honored to be a recipient of this scholarship as I know so many students have worked hard for this opportunity,” Wurtinger said. “The A to Z program introduced me to this incredible field, and to receive recognition for my hard work is so rewarding. The generosity of Stenograph with this scholarship gives me the encouragement and determination to continue on this journey toward graduation.”
This scholarship is offered through the National Court Reporters Foundation.
“Stenograph is proud to sponsor this scholarship, and we are thrilled to have it go to such a deserving student,” said Stenograph Vice President Star Levandowski. “It is clear that Ms. Wurtinger has a bright future ahead. We are excited to see where this wonderful profession will take her!”
To be eligible to apply for the Milton H. Wright Memorial Scholarship, applicants had to meet the criteria below:
- Attend an NCRA-approved court reporting program
- Have completed an NCRA A to Z ® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program
- Have received an NCRA A to Z ® Certificate of Completion
- Have attained an exemplary academic record (3.5 GPA or above)
- Have passed one skills test writing 80-120 words per minute at the time of submission
“NCRF so appreciates Stenograph’s commitment to the future of the court reporting and captioning professions and the company’s generosity to aid students financially in their journey into this wonderful career,” said Tami Keenan, FAPR, RPR, CPE, Chair of the NCRF Trustees. “NCRF and NCRA are grateful to be able to help honor the memory and legacy of Milton H. Wright through this memorial scholarship. Paying it forward to help others be successful and productive is not only humbling, but it also sets the precedent for others to do the same in the future. Stenograph’s pledge reflects an important virtue that is deeply embraced within the court reporting and captioning community.”