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Celebrate teachers! #NCRAlovesteachers

By Amie First

Join us in celebrating our teachers! Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6-10. 

Teacher Appreciation Week Monday

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt championed National Teacher Day (the first Tuesday in May) in 1953. In 1984 a whole week of appreciation was added to the calendar. This year NCRA is celebrating our steno teachers! 

Teacher Appreciation Week Tuesday

Every day of the week is a new day to show your teachers – past and present – how much you appreciate them. The NCRA Student-Teacher Committee has come up with some great ways to show the love this year. Whether you are in school in person or online, every day is a good day to make them smile. Tell your fellow students and classmates and share these great ideas.

Teacher Appreciation Week Wednesday

Where would I be today without my steno teacher? I can tell you she was the biggest cheerleader and the most important resource in getting me through school. She gave encouragement after failing a test …. close but a fail. A tough love spiel to practice more after I slacked off for a few days. And on and on. My steno teacher inspired me and shaped me into the reporter I am today.

Teacher Appreciation Week Thursday

Appreciation can be defined as recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone.  Steno teachers are making a difference in your life so be sure to take the time to show them you recognize and enjoy their good qualities – let them know how important they are!

Teacher Appreciation Week Friday

Take a few minutes to reflect on the teachers in your life. Then start planning how you’re going to say, “Thank you.”  We offer some creative ideas for every day of the week!

Be sure to share at #NCRAlovesteachers. You could win a free test leg courtesy of the NCRA Education and Certification department! 

I can’t wait to see where your imagination takes you! 

Amie First, RDR, CRR, CRC, CPE, is an official reporter from Orlando, Fla., and serves as Chair of NCRA’s Student-Teacher Committee. She can be reached at