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It’s a wrap for students at Connect

This year, NCRA’s Virtual Connect event attracted the highest number of students we’ve seen in years: 124! Without the cost of travel, hotel, and food,…

Student winners going to NCRA Connect Virtual 2020

Congratulations to the 10 student winners of an NCRA Connect Virtual 2020 registration! The winners’ names were announced on Facebook by 2020-2021 President-elect Christine Phipps,…

Bringing steno to TikTok

Claudia Booton, RPR, is an official in Denver District Court in Denver, Colo., who has been using the social media platform TikTok to promote court…

COVID-19: Looking back through the lens

COVID-19 has been a huge learning experience for many legal videographers. We, like our court reporters, watched as the jobs on our calendars quickly disappeared,…

Blended learning

By Carol Adams The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education in our country. The quarantine forced schools to create online content quickly so students could continue…

‘Don’t Rush’ stenographer challenge

 NCRA members Shaunise Day and Denee’ Vadell recently organized a stenographer answer to the “Don’t Rush” challenge circulating on social media. They both talked to…

NCRA responds to comments on MSNBC

Recently MSNBC news anchor Brian Williams and former U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) made comments on MSNBC about stenographers in the U.S. Senate. A post…

Live captioner caught behind the scenes

When Wendy Osmond, CRC, was captioning a recent tech conference, she was surprised when the speaker addressed her directly. Almost as surprised as the attendees,…

A message from NCRA’s President

I wanted to take an opportunity, as I conclude my year of service to you, our members, to thank you sincerely for the honor you’ve given…

Bringing captions to Coachella

By Heidi Renner When Isaiah Roberts, RPR, Magnolia, Ill., thought he wrote the word lemon while captioning Ariana Grande’s performance at Coachella, he was a…