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TechLinks: Surface Book review, specialized Windows programs, and tech myths

TechLinks_logoNCRA’s Technology Committee was sharing information on Microsoft’s Surface Book, iOS 9 features, tech myths, and Windows apps.

Nancy L. Bistany, RPR, of Chicago, Ill., directed attention to a review of the Surface Book, a lightweight 13.5 screen device with a detachable keyboard that uses Windows 10. Read more.

Bistany also pointed out an article on iOS 9, which lists five obscure features, including phone number look-up and battery killers. Read more.

Robin Nodland, RDR, CRR, of Portland, Ore., pointed out an article on tech myths, such as whether you need to drain your phone battery before recharging, in “10 tech myths you need to stop believing.” Read more.

Lisa Knight, RMR, CRR, of Littleton, Colo., pointed out lifehacker’s list of 10 specialized apps for Windows programs to have for specialized situations. The list ranged from stress-testing to disk-cleaning programs. Read more.