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Posts published in March 2017

The confidence to succeed in school

Staying motivated in court reporting school is a struggle that every student faces. Dealing with stress and hitting speed plateaus are common frustrations. This quarter,…

My happiest reporting job

The JCR asked members about the happy occasions they have reported, and several members were excited to share their tales of the adoptions, graduations, and…

Wanted: Court reporters posted an article on March 9 authored by Peg Sokalski-Dorchack, director of the court reporting program at MacCormac College in Chicago, Ill., about the…

Proofreading tips and conundrums

In honor of National Proofreading Day on March 8, the JCR Weekly team reached out to members of NCRA’s Proofreading Advisory Council to share their…

NCRA announces 2017-2018 slate of nominees

NCRA announced the slate of nominees selected by its Nominating Committee to serve in 2017-2018. NCRA’s membership will vote on the nominations at the 2017…

New professional spotlight: Sarah Gadd

By Mike Hensley Sarah Gadd is not afraid of a challenge. As a reporter newly certified by the state of California, she has obtained a…

NCRA member quoted about downsizing

NCRA member Karen Teig, RPR, CRR, CMRS, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was quoted in an article posted March 4 by The Gazette about downsizing from a…