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Posts published in “Up-to-Speed”

Keys to success for the adult learner

By Kay Moody Many adjectives describe the typical court reporting student: busy, mature, single parent, employed, easily frustrated, second career, and self-supporting. Court reporting students…

A lucky cab ride

By Kristine Wesner Growing up, college held so much promise: Pick a school and program I like, earn the degree, qualify for well-paying jobs, and…

Student speed contest winners announced

NCRA congratulates the winners of the Court Reporting & Captioning Week student speed contest. Of the students who passed the five-minute dictation test, three winners…

A little help from your friends

Amelia Bradley, Lindsey NiBlack, and Stephen Shea started together at Brown College of Court Reporting in Atlanta, Ga., in the summer of 2016. They came…

It’s a new year, a new beginning

By Kay Moody It’s a new year, and you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to practice more, buckle down, and make progress in machine shorthand.…

Students resolve to work hard and graduate

It’s 2018: Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Up-to-Speed reached out to court reporting students to ask them about their resolutions and goals…

Read your way to excellence

By Caroline R. Castle If it is true, as the old saying goes, that “clothes make the man,” we could readily say that “words make…

Convention conversations

This year, students attending the 2017 NCRA Convention & Expo in Las Vegas, Nev., were treated to a range of different seminars aimed at preparing…

Finding court reporters’ paradise

By Brianna Uhlman The NCRA Convention & Expo is like the Shangri-la of court reporting. The things you learn, the relationships you build, and the…