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Posts published in “Technology”

Ask the Techie: Can webcams be hacked?

By Teresa Russ If you were around in 1984, you probably remember a song entitled, Somebody’s Watching You by Rockwell featuring Michael Jackson. Back then…

StreamText and Zoom

By Teresa Russ Since the pandemic, Zoom and StreamText are as popular as peanut butter and jelly. End users to first-time users are asking questions…

Basic Zoom tips, tricks, and advice

With an increase in remote depositions now using the Zoom format, the members of the Technology Committee thought it would be a great time to review…

Backup for court reporters

By Lynette Mueller backup: a copy of computer data (as a file or the contents of a hard drive); also : the act or an…

How Tennessee saved their 2020 convention

When the Tennessee Court Reporters Association decided to cancel their in-person convention, they quickly decided to move the event online. In an interview between Lynette…