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Steno on the go!

What’s the strangest place you’ve had to tap-tap-tap away on your little machine, knowing that people are relying on your speech-to-text output? A bus perhaps?…

Website accessibility an issue for colleges

The Oct. 26 Retriever, a publication of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, published an article that stressed the importance of making college websites accessible…

REALTIME: Taming your fears

By Kathy Cortopassi The worst fear, believe it or not, was the first time I ever captioned the Business Meeting for the NCRA Annual Convention.…

Making a few adjustments

Long nights of practice and endless speed tests are familiar challenges for court reporting students. But Kayde Rieken, a student at the College of Court…

LAST PAGE: What’s so funny?

Cryptographs (Mr. Jones was conducting the deposition by phone.) MR. JONES: And for the record, I can hear writing going on, and I just want…

Captioning the pope

High security, audio glitches, and sometimes difficult accents didn’t hinder the NCRA members who had the opportunity to caption the events held during Pope Francis’…

Reporting: A meteor named Rocky

By Marianne Lindley Girten In retrospect, it’s astonishing how briefly, yet how blindingly, the blaze of his personality soared through our orbit. During only a…