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The perfect prescription

By Jennifer Wielage As a high-achieving, success-driven court reporter, I am certainly no stranger to stress and its effects on one’s mental and physical well-being.…

Early days of videoconferencing

By H. Allen Benowitz In the March 29 Miami Herald, on the sports page, I came across the article “Video conferencing lets Dolphins connect.” A…

Captioning the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

By Debbie Dibble After a career full of unusual cases, including surfers in New Zealand, terrorists in the Philippines, and Saudi princes in Grand Cayman,…

Celebrating NCRA’s Certified Members

Earning professional certifications means different things to different people. For some, it might be a requirement to be able to work; for others, it might…

News from STARtech 19

By Lynette Mueller As I reflect on my professional educational journey, it seems I have a habit of attending the same conferences and seminars each…