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Posts published in “Government Watch”

Our entire community working together

By Sue Terry, FAPR, RPR, CRR, CRC The Sinclair Broadcast Group has announced that it will begin using IBM Watson Captioning, a form of automatic…

PAC basket raffle raises awareness and funds

The Gift Basket Extravaganza sponsored by NCRA’s Government Relations Department to benefit the Association’s PAC (Political Action Committee) raised $1,905. Eleven states and NCRA participated…

NCRA applauds VCRA on grassroots campaign

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has signed into law SB 545, which establishes ethical standards and requirements for the provision of court reporting services. The new…

Local courts faced with possible cuts

The Chronicle-Tribune, Marion, Ind., posted an article on March 22 about the County Council’s decision to table a request to fill a court reporter position…