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End cord terror

The JCR provides newsworthy information on reporter-related products and technologies. This column is for readers to use in their research; neither NCRA nor the JCR…

Election Day 2013

NCRA just wants to remind membership that in several states and jurisdictions around the country, today, Tuesday, Nov. 5 is Election Day. While statewide elections…

White House stenographer interviewed by TIME

The Oct. 23 TIME included an interview with White House stenographer Peggy Suntum. Suntum, who is considered a private sector employee, transcribes the president’s every…

Unlock your firm’s success at Firm Owners 2014

ARI KAPLAN ANNOUNCED AS KEYNOTE SPEAKER Headlining the 2014 conference will be nationally recognized speaker Ari Kaplan, Esq., owner of Ari Kaplan Advisors. Kaplan provides…

Extended shutdown affects courts

As the government shutdown drags on, federal courts are beginning to feel long-term ripple effects. looks at some recent stories from various new sources:…