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The sweet path to the top of the captioner cake

By Anissa R. Nierenberger Broadcast and CART captioners comprise only 4.3 percent of NCRA’s membership. That’s a pretty tiny sliver! So why should you consider crossing over into…

Tools of the Trade

Here are the answers to the questions court reporters and captioners most want to ask about the steno machines on the market. Is your system…

So you have an extension; now what?

By Natalie Dippenaar This is part three of a three-part series. Part one was titled, “What can I do in a month?” and part two was…


Located: Harrisburg, Pa. Employment type: CART/Captioning Member since: 1990 Graduated from: Central Pennsylvania Business School Theory: Roberts Walsh Gonzalez What are your favorite briefs or…

Just do it

Thinking of competing in speed or realtime contests? Just do it, say the pros. By Annemarie Roketenetz A major highlight at the NCRA Convention &…

NCRA exhibits at CCRA’s annual convention

NCRA participated at the California Court Reporters Association’s annual convention held Oct. 9-12 in Newport Beach, Calif., as an exhibitor, providing court reporting and captioning…

Jetsetting reporters

By David Ward Very few people in court reporting would describe it to outsiders as a glamorous, exciting profession. Important? Yes. Personally satisfying? For most…