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TECHNOLOGY: The benefits of early adoption

By David Ward Because concentration is paramount for their job, court reporters don’t like disruptions — and that often extends to the equipment and other…

TECH: Talking technology with Fred Middlebrooks

  By Debra A. Levinson Fred Middlebrooks, recently of Stenograph, has create, a consulting company with the specific mission to help court reporters better…

The nation is Taking Note

NCRA’s publicity campaign garners widespread attention.  By Christina Lewellen In September, NCRA launched what is easily the most comprehensive publicity campaign the association has ever…

Affording the Convention

Question: When should one start to save for the NCRA Annual Convention? Answer: Now! If you’ve got an incredible income, sure, go ahead and pay…

October 2013 JCR

October 2013 Volume 75 Number 1   Skilled for Success Non-technical activities help the court reporter in their jobs every day. A few reporters offer…

Products & Services Spotlight

NCRA’s Virtual Exhibit Hall The purpose of this article is to provide newsworthy information on reporter-related products and technologies. This column is for our readers…