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Posts published in “How-to’s”

Ask the Techie: Transcript Formatting

The NCRA Technology Committee is taking your questions on topics surrounding realtime and technology. Send the questions you want the Technology Committee members to tackle…

Ask a Techie: Using Tablets for Proofing

Dear Techie: I’d like to explore editing/proofreading on a tablet-style device with a stylus. Questions on forums and to friends have given me a mishmash…

Ask the techie: Quotation marks

Dear Techie: I keep struggling with finding an easy way to brief those darn quotation marks, especially when following says or said. Do you have…

News from STARtech 19

By Lynette Mueller As I reflect on my professional educational journey, it seems I have a habit of attending the same conferences and seminars each…

15 minutes a day for Michelle

By Rich Germosen A few weeks after the NCRA Convention & Expo in San Francisco, in September 2014, I started a practice page on Facebook.…

How to reduce the size of a pdf file

By Lynette Mueller When you have a large file, it may not be easy to share through standard methods. It’s useful to know how to…