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Make your plan … and mark your calendars

Whether you are earning or maintaining a certification, you will want to take a few minutes to mark the appropriate deadlines on your calendar for…

It’s a wrap for students at Connect

This year, NCRA’s Virtual Connect event attracted the highest number of students we’ve seen in years: 124! Without the cost of travel, hotel, and food,…

Bringing steno to TikTok

Claudia Booton, RPR, is an official in Denver District Court in Denver, Colo., who has been using the social media platform TikTok to promote court…

Members volunteer during quarantine downtime

A recent JCR Weekly poll asked if NCRA members were spending more time volunteering with their downtime during quarantine. Answers varied from volunteering in the…

Snap to it amateur photographers

NCRA is looking for talent among the membership to help provide high-quality, creative photos featuring steno machines and video equipment that can be used in…

High school career day goes virtual

A group of court employees from the Kings County Supreme Court in Brooklyn, N.Y., recently hosted a virtual career day via Google Meet for some…

Checking in with captioners

Weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic, the JCR Weekly checked in with several broadcast and CART captioners to get a snapshot of what has changed and…